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Makara’s story: Survivor takes first steps towards her dream of owning a coffee shop

Before her 16th birthday, she fled the sex industry.

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A survivor’s journey through the eyes of our team

Catch a glimpse of what team members see daily in their relentless anti-trafficking work.

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Destiny Rescue’s record-breaking year

The milestone is thanks to rapid expansion across our project nations.

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Three shining lights in Cambodia

Three stories of hope and bright futures from survivors in Cambodia.

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The power of social media: why some girls enter the sex industry to buy coffee and clothes

Online pictures of snacks and models are typically harmless, but they can have a harmful, peculiar effect on kids in developing countries.

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Daily life at our home in Cambodia

The daily routine of our residential home is not exclusive to those living in the dorm rooms upstairs. Survivors in community care within commuting distance attend our classes in the home and are just as much a part of the family.

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The art of undercover rescue in Cambodia

It is near impossible to rescue a girl from sex trafficking in Cambodia, yet our rescue agents continue to do it. What then is their secret?

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Something to be proud of: Nuon’s story

“What is something you are proud of recently?” asks a Destiny Rescue translator to a survivor in our care. The question is translated into her native language of Khmer. She blinks and then knits her brows. The translator rephrases the question, but she still appears confused. She and the translator talk for a minute before the translator turns to our social worker and says.

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Rescue surge: 33 people rescued across four countries in four days

Amidst the difficulties of this year, Destiny Rescue was able to rescue 33 people across four countries in four days. This latest surge of rescue is incredibly encouraging.

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Debunking classic myths about child sex trafficking

The truth behind some common trafficking myths may surprise you.

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